...so i sat down to follow up the very confusing storyline posted previously below, with pictures to support it,
and instead had a much more interesting week than planned...
as is probably always the way i suppose!
i survived the wedding weekend, no fighting among the siblings, saw old friends and created new ones, apparently missed my brother-in-laws "tour de force" performance of "thunderball" sung to the bride and groom (and the ballroom as well!) and had what i thought were decent enough images captured via my cheepo fuji digital, and backed up with my cell phone camera, which of course now look that much less memorable once downloaded and viewed...
back to the thunderball thing above..... i haven't been to a lot of weddings lately, so i guess i missed the new trend announcement somewhere that detailed the new formats - ie: all sorts of "musical games" to be played? the "master of ceremonies" (another new idea i am guessing?) made the rounds of each table at various times during the reception to have guests relate good wishes to the couple - kinda standard for this i know, but as i went out for a cigarette break (numerous times) i missed the round where he asked one guest at each table to "sing a song for the newlyweds"... i assume this meant some little ditty or romantic stanza in the vein of the well wishing done earlier.
i come back into the hall to a rousing round of applause and see...
said brother-in-law on his knees taking a bow in front of everyone - apparently just having performed from what i hear afterwards - a very dead on version of "thunderball' in only the best tom jones stylings...
i mean - to hear tell of it - women were swooning and men glaring for the fact that the wives/girl friends/daughters were swooning...
i half expected to see panties flung to the center of the dance floor and a brawl break out, but glad they weren't.
honest to gawd glad in that way!
so, after getting home and surviving the weekend at the holiday inn in long beach (where - apparently - the restuarant at top does not rotate ala the hyatt in san fransisco... and the one and only reason the fabled Minasian Guest Suites was booked here was that restaurant spinning after many drinks had been imbibed), and getting the pics all uploaded, then downloaded back to the computer - no amount of digital help is gonna save these from obscurity...
the only images that came out are a bizzare set/series i did as a lark
- self portraits that grace the post here...
i have an infatuation for the truly mundane when it
comes to taking random pics...
i really like to document my feet and those around me when i am out places, and saw the great shadows i cast walking around outside
- so of course - jumped on a momentary desire to do the self portraits as such...
shadowy representations of myself in that particular place and time, recorded to hold forever... LOL!
so, i am left hoping that out of the one thousand and one additional cameras there - i will soon be on the recieving end of much better wedding shots to fill my email in the coming days....
(thinly veiled reminder to family who read me...)
if any show up that are worth it - they will find thier way here.
on wednesday - i get a call to invite me to san pedro for a couple days
to re-unite with my beloved, so i jumped the first public transportation headed that direction (i am a huge fan of bus travel - it allows for interaction with the public missing in todays "rush here-get there now" world), and when i reached the transfer point in long beach
to get the commuter to san pedro, i was taking in all
the redevelopment going on downtown, and looking at
a fantastic renovated building turned into lofts,
and thinking - "wow, i get my settlement in january, i can live here now like i always dreamed about..." and - as stated before
- the proclivity to photograph my feet standing there in that spot
rose in my head...
so i pan down.....
and i am standing between
two pools of very fresh, very liquid,
very wet ..... blood.
not like "oops, pardon me - do you have a tissue?
i seem to have a bloody nose..."
kind of blood,
more like " son of a bitch i am the victim of a
walk by/drive by/metro train by shooting
or stabbing, hell - i don't know"...
kind of blood letting
that took place there apparently minutes prior to my transfer stop.
that is why i like to get deep into that interaction,
had i been in a car on my way there
- never would i have seen or experienced it.
sorry, i know nothing else to relate here...
the denizens of said transfer facility and environs
aren't talking - and those that do will never ever make sense
to you or i anyway - much better to listen to thier
stream of conciousnous speech patterns
as words delivered from on high via
a urine soaked mouthpiece in last decades
ready to wear world in my shopping carts life and move on...
and those lofts?
still in my real estate listings none the less!
blood or none, i like it down town...