I am remiss, and it has been brought to my attention in being so!

recently i was commented upon by a loyal reader, that; to whit:
"Doug, you don't post often enough! --Posted by kenju to just a dork with words in his fingers... at 10/22/2005 09:25:22 PM"
and she is right!
i have been remiss in attention to my own stream of wordage, and too busy it seems trying to read everyone elses' ... hehehe!
... so i will return to my page here, and return to my tales of life in general, and want to thank all who have visited me thus far, and hope only to amuse enough for you to return again sooner...
and especially thank Kenju for snapping me outta my funk, and to Always Aroused Girl who thinks bald is sexy yeah baby! Yeah!
... please continue to play my newly formed game - which is when the "word verification sequence" pops up at comments - create the most comprehensive sentence you can using the letters and include it in your comment, and then be sure to do it elsewhere also, and then tell two more commenters, and they can tell two more commenters and then so on and so on, and sit back and watch as vocabularys get built, language gets used to it's fullest and just view some plain fun reading!
... all for now, back in 12 hours with more! doug.
I do like the moss on the computer; it gives the right effect! For some reason, there is no work verification line here today, at least not for me. Otherwise, I'd make a sentence out of it - as you requested.
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