numerology rules this family.......
and now one day away from the BIG day -
the wedding,the betrothal,
the joining,

we are gathering, here and there,
from hither and yon, near and far... try to keep up - it's gonna get very confusing ahead!
... i was on the phone this evening with the groom to be (nephew #3 descending order), and his brother (nephew #2 - middle man), and could hear the very pregnant rae (brothers' wife - niece in law #2 with great nephew #4 in oven) in the background, and juggling overhearing a one sided phone conversation between my two sisters (#3 and #4 ascending) in my background, and getting a call waiting from yet a third nephew (nephew #1 acsending order) whose family (niece in law #1 and great nephew #2 and son to sister #4 above in one sided call) will not be making it this weekend, due to a newly purchased "first" home for them (ain't i proud!) and he wants information on champagne to christen the house, and the original nephew (#3 descending again)... is telling me how cool is all of THIS!... no butterflies or cold feet for this one anyway LOL!
follow me so far?
catch my snow drift i am buried in?
okay, moving along then...
nephew one is telling me that he is there with nephew two and the missus, and they are at the hospital for an ultrasound........ i'm thinking the worst now ... due date is less than two weeks - flown down from Washington State - ultrasound = baby trouble (this one is my fourth great nephew), airplane ride was too much - all of that rushing thru my head while I still hear sisters(#3 and 4 respectively of 6 total - sister #2 being mom to nephews #2 and #3 above..and not due to arrive from Oregon for another hour at this point... still with me? good moving on...) here in background talking on land line about "the minasian hospitality suites" for saturday nite (this is a family tradition - brother in law #8 from sister #4{see phone call above or below - i'm lost now} ascending third marriage - we'll call him "fred"... always rents an extra smoking suite at the hotel and everyone brings cigars, noshables, and drinks to set it up proper...for afterwards of course)...
speaking of 'course' - back on it now...
so i'm thinking and listenening and wondering and worried about great nephew #4 when i get it - the ultrasound is the radically new "4D" version - unavailable up in washington state where they live unless they want to drive to seattle to get it done, so since rae's doctor gave approval to fly down, and nephew #2 - middle man - is telling me that Michael Jace (impending great nephew #4) keeps putting his hands in front of his eyes and a knee in his ear, so he is becoming distraught over the cost of this imaging session with a future son who already is bucking the folks desires ... and ain't even took a breath of stale air yet!
the nurse asks them to take a walk around, get some ice cream, and come back in twenty minutes to try again - at least she is feeling his anguish as a new daddy to be and wants to give them what they are paying for... a head shot!... all good in my book, and obviously - NOT managed health care at this clinic... hehehe. so at this time of posting, i don't know if the second trip thru the gel and magicke did it's tricks or not, can only assume that nephews #2 and #3 made it to lax to pickup thier mother and her wife (sister in law #1 for me as i have no brothers...just brothers in law come and gone from many marriages we can't even begin to graph here now with an excel spreadsheet twice as long as my current blog; so this is a milestone here!)
okay still with me so far? good. moving on...
so distraught nephew #2 - middle man - is telling me about babys hands in the way and i'm saying. "tony - whats the big deal? he will be here in less than two weeks anyway and we'll see pictures then in live 3D, so if the "4D" doesn't produce anything other than a cute "before birth" picture - it's still album material, right?"
dead air drags for what seems like two minutes, but is only maybe 10 or 15 seconds,
and i hear this incredulous voice on the other end of my cell say... " uncle doug, just how old ARE you... 'cuz it's way too early for alzhiemers in this family without a history of it so far.... Michael Jace is due in january, the third actually, and that is some time off still........."
yeah, i think you told me that a couple months ago when we talked.... yep!
"what nephew is this again?" i am muttering now...
so long story try to be shorter...
i am looking forward to saturday, very enthusiastically too, because my s/o and the asher are going too, so i am happy - very happy - at this turn of event, and i know that up above - mom is watching me type and try to explain the brood of hers and all it's permeabilities, and knowingly i smile that she is esctatic at the outcome we will attend all saturday.

the cast above as closely i can recall:
Sisters (descending)
not attending - gail #1 and ex brother in law #1 and kids
not attending - marty #2 and ex and current brother in law #2, 4 and kids
attending - kim #3 and brother in law fred #8 and kids (attending - niece andrea #1 and family, not attending - nephew allen #1 and family)
attending - jeri #4 - the only solo one of them... lives with me or me with her, i dunno anymore...
attending - stef #5 , and her wife josie - sister in law #1, and sons/nephews tony#2 and john#3 (the groom) and family rae - niece in law #2 and unborn michael jace - great nephew #4 and bride to be wendy - niece in law #4 (?)
attending - dale #6 and brother in law dennis #9 or 10, i really don't know now{divorces and deaths from above marriages have altered this number over and over}... and alice - niece #3
the family reads like the general assembly at the united nations in full attendance...
awww hell, i haven't even met the brides' side of family yet - and they are latin... and numerous also... where's my Staples Card at.... gonna need a new hard drive to tree this family now.....